Digital Marketing Manager, Content Producer & SEO Strategist – Advanced Talent, Inc.

Digital Marketing Manager, Content Producer & SEO Strategist – Advanced Talent, Inc.

During my tenure at Advanced Software Talent, Inc., I worked as a Sr. Digital Marketer & Content Strategist, as well as an SEO and Front End UI-UX Developer. I reported to the company President and was responsible for improving search engine page rankings across dozens of mission-critical keywords. I was able to increase organic search-generated traffic, CTRs, qualified leads, and rankings by over 20% month-over-month.

To achieve these results, I used cutting-edge tools such as SEMRush, Google Adwords, Search Console, and others to identify over a thousand new, niche-targeted keywords and trending, value-add content opportunities. I also teamed up with the in-house project manager to layer semantically complete, SEO-optimized messaging on top of existing branded content.

I realigned content buckets and themes to more effectively leverage search and to more appropriately serve the company’s target niche markets. I improved UIs and user experiences for multiple web resources, which included making content improvements that increased page stickiness and increased user time spent on site.

I performed daily content enhancements and modifications to the flagship corporate website, coding PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Additionally, I performed regular Analytics reporting and used marketing best practices to compile trending market niche and Analytics data. I measured against KPIs, identified and recommended high-impact marketing action items to maximize revenues for business owners. Lastly, I improved sitewide performance and page speed by cleaning up dozens of legacy coding errors.