Website Manager, SEO Content Developer, Designer, Producer, Strategist – Cairo Inc.

Website Manager, SEO Content Developer, Designer, Producer, Strategist – Cairo Inc.

I worked as an in-house Website Manager, Front-End Developer, Designer, Producer and Marketing Strategist for a small B2C startup. My responsibilities included designing and developing web pages and UI components that loaded quickly, were cross-browser tested, and W3C-compliant. I worked with various technologies such as CSS, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Flash, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, JSP / J2EE, and Velocity.

I collaborated with Marketing, Product Management, and Engineering teams and worked with the company founder, VP of Marketing, and VP of Engineering to define specifications and requirements.

Here are some of my specific contributions:
– I hand-coded and designed web pages inside the J2EE stack and conceived and coded the CSS of the flagship website.
– I globally re-factored legacy style sheets to improve site performance and sitewide SEO.
– I prototyped and built corporate messaging and branding from scratch, and deployed content to market-specific landing pages and SERPs.
– I collaborated with the VP of Marketing to create and deploy niche-oriented, optimized site branding layered with geo-centric B2C messaging.
– I dynamically integrated Velocity calls with the company’s Java tag library system to deliver messaging innovations and a complete overhaul of the web UI.
– I modularized code and images to streamline content delivery and maximize site performance.
– I built wireframes for review by Product Management and Marketing, mocked up the look-and-feel of numerous web pages, and converted PSDs to code.
– I coded, thoroughly tested, and posted cross-browser optimized web pages and Java Tag files.
– I designed ad banners, both static and animated (Flash, PhotoShop, Illustrator).
– I configured and presented detailed, mission-critical analytics reports to the executive level of the company.